Supernova magazine vol 5.1


In this issue:

  • Getting wet with whales
  • The human skeleton
  • Vampires
  • Marie Curie
  • Traditional South African food


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Supernova is four years old! A new year means new beginnings…Al started to look a little bored at the office. I noticed that his eyes always light up when I start talking about my travel adventures through Africa. He’s particularly interested in what people of different cultures eat. Who doesn’t love food, right?

So, I decided to change things up a bit. I asked Al if he’d like to try some of the recipes from the different countries I visit for the new volume of Supernova. Al was delighted. He started research right away to find authentic recipes that could be adapted with ingredients available in SA.

As an historian, Al also found a few interesting facts about the origins of the various dishes. We couldn’t wait to taste what Al had prepared in the office kitchen. It was good stuff! Who knew Al could find interesting food history facts and cook?



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Editor: Andrea Vermaak
ISBN: 9772224144204-00501
Genre: Children’s Magazine
Ages: 8-15
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