Supernova magazine vol 4.2


In this issue:

  • Trotting Along With Horses
  • Tutankhamun: Boy King of Egypt
  • Neutron Stars
  • Marvelous Monkeys of South Africa
  • No Vacancies



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At the end of the year, we’re all tired and looking forward to a nice long break to refresh our minds. It’s wonderful if you can go away to the coast, the mountains, or even just to visit family who live far away. Some of us prefer to stay at home, and that’s great too. There are so many things you can do and discover about our world wherever you are!

I spend a lot of my time in front of a computer, so it’s really nice to spend time outdoors when I can. I don’t even have to travel far — there are many nature reserves in my area where I can go for a nice stroll or even have a picnic. Last time I went for a walk in a nature reserve, a monitor lizard crossed our path. I didn’t even know that they could be found in Pretoria! It made our day to be able to see one in real life. It’s also good to know that there are still places in our capital city where these creatures feel safe and can live quite happily.

Have you discovered anything cool in your area or while you were on holiday? What are you planning to do this holiday? Let me know. I would love to hear from you!

Whatever you do, stay curious and put on sunscreen!


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Editor: Andrea Vermaak
ISBN: 9772224144204-00402
Genre: Children’s Magazine
Ages: 8-15
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