Supernova magazine vol 4.6


In this issue:

  • The history of video games
  • Inside the Human Ear
  • The Maasai
  • Litre of light
  • The Highland Games


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One of my absolute favourite things to do when I have some free time, which is not often, is to learn more about my ancestors. You see, I’m such a large mixture of different cultures that to learn more about just one branch of my extended family can keep me busy for hours.

As I learn more about my great-great grandparents and beyond, I also learn more about the countries from which they came, the languages they spoke, their different customs, and the times in which they grew up. It fascinates me more and more, the deeper I delve into my family’s history. It even makes me feel like some kind of obsessive detective, trying to uncover the hidden truths about the past…

What interests you to the point that many hours can go by without you even noticing? Do you have a passion for something of which you’ll never be bored? Let me know what keeps you busy in your free time! (I hope one thing is reading Supernova and learning all the cool stuff in it!)


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Editor: Andrea Vermaak
ISBN: 9772224144204-00406
Genre: Children’s Magazine
Ages: 8-15
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