Archive of Kindness by Jess Auerbach (Hardcover)


Archive of Kindness by Jess Auerbach, is an uplifting and historically valuable collection of stories. In 2020 when lockdown was announced, Dr Auerbach observed an outpouring of support between ordinary residents in South Africa. Having previously written about beauty and everyday happiness in the context of Angola’s post-Civil war period, she began to document these ‘micro-kindnesses’ and created a website to record them, which received significant international and local attention. She later expanded this archive with her students at North-West University, ultimately recording approximately 1500 stories of remarkable kindness and care.

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BK Publishing is pleased to announce the planned publication of the book Archive of Kindness by Dr Jess Auerbach during the hight of the Covid-19 lockdown. A portion of proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to charity.

Recognising that this collection now provides an important added perspective to the significant hardship and suffering of the past twelve-month period, a selection of stories from the Archive of Kindness have now been chosen by ten prominent South Africans. The book will be produced to the highest standard, becoming an important record of the pandemic and enabling further national reflection on the most positive aspects of South African society.

Jess Auerbach teaches at North-West University. She’s from Durban, spent ten years in Angola, Brazil, Mauritius, the UK and USA, and then came home to South Africa just before the pandemic.


Read more about Jess Auerbach

Author Jess Auerbach


Jethro Longwe is a rising artist and graphic designer, and a recent graduate of the Ruth Prowse School of Fine Art in Cape Town.

Illustrator Jethro Longwe

Author: Dr Jess Auerbach
ISBN: 978-0-620-93801-3
Genre: Non-Fiction
Ages: Adult; Young Adult
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