The Champion’s Way


 I believe that these 101 metaphors will challenge you to:
  • Follow your heart,
  • Dance until it rains,
  • Run into the storm,
  • Feed the right wolf,
  • Flow like a river,
  • and…Breathe Life!
  • I dare you to embrace this challenge.

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 101 Powerful Stories and Inspiring Metaphors

Dr Henning Gericke is the author of seven best-selling books. His passion is to inspire and with this new and exciting book he does just that.

Henning is an avid collector of stories and powerful metaphors, which he uses when working with high performing sports stars and business people. As a psychologist he is also keenly aware of the factors and habits that inspire them to succeed. In his latest book, he presents his life-long collection of metaphors, quotations and stories to ordinary readers to help them transcend their limitations and live a fulfilled and successful life. 

Author: Henning Gericke
ISBN: 9780639717029
Genre: Psychology
Ages: Adult; Young Adult
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