
The Big Bang Box

Original price was: R5130,00.Current price is: R4104,00.

It’s BIG

It’s got a lot of BANG for your buck

… and it contains +75 items in total to kick off your journey through space and time with SUPERNOVA magazine!

The Supermassive Set

Ever picked up a Supernova and thought, I need more! Well, get the largest ever collection of  Supernova Magazines all in one go with The Supermassive Bundle! Get every available issue of Supernova, as well as a year's subscription in one big push. Supernovais a children’s magazine of the highest educational standard dedicated to making curious kids aware of issues which affect them, their community and their environment. Suitable for kids age 8-15, Supernova boosts reading skills, concentration and general knowledge. Click here to subscribe to Supernova – the mag for curious kids

Highlights™ Hidden Pictures vol. 1.5

Highlights Hidden Pictures™ Puzzle Books These classic puzzles, published by Highlights for more than 65 years, are both educational and fun. Children will increase visual perception and build vocabulary while delighting in the adventures of whimsical animal characters and kids just like them. The Highlights Mission Highlights is dedicated to helping children grow in basic skills and knowledge, in creativeness, in ability to think and reason, in sensitivity to others, in high ideals and worthy ways of living – for children are the world’s most important people™.

Highlights™ Hidden Pictures vol. 1.6

Highlights Hidden Pictures™ Puzzle Books These classic puzzles, published by Highlights for more than 65 years, are both educational and fun. Children will increase visual perception and build vocabulary while delighting in the adventures of whimsical animal characters and kids just like them. The Highlights Mission Highlights is dedicated to helping children grow in basic skills and knowledge, in creativeness, in ability to think and reason, in sensitivity to others, in high ideals and worthy ways of living – for children are the world’s most important people™.

Metz and Bop and the Big Library Theft

This series features a collection of short stories, comics and a poem by fun-loving South African authors. It is written in a style and on a language level which is appropriate for second language readers and is beautifully illustrated to help with the transition from picture books to more text-heavy books.  

Highlights High Five™ magazine box set

Highlights High Five is the perfect magazine for pre-school aged children. It sets the stage for a lifelong love of reading. This set is the perfect way to start reading aloud to your toddler, while teaching them that some books can't go in the bath (or someone's mouth!) and some fun stickers too! Duplication warning: Please don't buy the volume set if you subscribe, the one year subscription and volume set have the same issues. BK Publishing is working on bringing in more volumes of Highlights magazine and we'll update our subscribers when we do.

Highlights™ magazine box set

Get 5 magazines all in one go! Highlights magazine is a special combination of learning and entertainment that encourages children to be respectful, curious and imaginative. Highlights is the next step up the ladder to a love of literacy and reading with safe, fun, and educational stories and value. Some stories will be best read aloud, and others are simple enough that early readers could start reading to themselves too. Poetry, pictures, and stickers to delight boys or girls. Duplication warning: Please don't buy the volume set if you subscribe, the one year subscription and volume set have the same issues. BK Publishing is working on bringing in more volumes of Highlights magazine and we'll update our subscribers when we do.


It’s the ultimate library resource! The new and improved Big Bang Box will set you off on your Supernova journey.

It includes:

  • 62+ collectible issues of Supernova magazine (Volume 1 – present)
  • A one-year subscription to Supernova magazine (6 issues)
  • Courier booster for your one-year subscription
  • Metz & Bop and the Big Library Theft
  • Highlights: Hidden Pictures (Books 5-6)
  • 5 issues of Highlights magazine
  • 5 issues of Highlights High Five magazine

Not included and limited stock:

  • Vol 1.2 (out of print)
  • Vol 2.3 (Limited stock)
  • Vol 3.5 (Limited stock)
  • Vol 4.4 (out of print)
  • Vol 7.2 (out of print)
  • Vol 7.3 (Limited stock)
  • Vol 7.5 (Limited stock)
  • Vol 8.2 (Limited stock)
  • Vol 8.4 (Limited stock)


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